Anatoly Stroshkov

Stroshkov Anatoly 

Строшков А.Н.



            Tomsk Polytechnical Institute named after S.M. Kirov, Tomsk                                                 1984

            Machine-building faculty, specialty (major) 05.03.01 «Technology and Equipment for Machining of Materials»



Mechanical engineer,

            Urals Polytechnical Institute named after S.M. Kirov, Sverdlovsk*,                               1964

            Machine-building faculty, specialty (major) 0501 «Machine-Building Technology, Metal-Cutting Machines and Tools» (diploma with honors)

Process technician

            Ural Machine-Building College attached to the Uralmashplant in the city of Sverdlovsk 1957

            Specialization «Metal Processing by Cutting» (diploma with honors)



Aquamarine Limited Liability Company (LLC Aquamarine), Yekaterinburg), executive director

2012 – present

   Representative of the management for quality, responsible for the functioning of the quality management system (QMS), for the placement and fulfillment of orders at the enterprises in the towns of Verkhniaya and Nizhniaya Salda Achievements: the QMS of the company has been created and is successfully functioning. It was certified at the SDS (Voluntary Certification System) “Military Register”. The company was the first among the small enterprises of the Sverdlovsk Oblast (Region) to obtain a license of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation for designing, manufacture and delivery of products for aviation and rocket equipment. It was awarded the “Golden Mercury” badge of the Chamber of Commerce of the Russian Federation

TiRus International SA, Head of Marketing (Lausanne, Switzerland)                                 2009-2011

   Accompaniment of the export of PAO VSMPO-AVISMA (Public JSC) (a metallurgical company), supervising daughter companies of the VSMPO in Germany, Great Britain and the USA Achievements: creation and certification of the QMS of the company

Verkhnesaldinski Metallurgical Production Association Open Joint-Stock Company – AVISMA –Bereznikovski Integrated Titanium-Magnesium Plant (ОАО VSPMO-AVISMA),

Director of Marketing and Sales at Aviakosmos                                                                    2000-2009

   Provision of supplies of titanium and aluminum products to the aviation and space industry of the countries of the world, Russia and other CIS countries Achievements: export growth of up to 70% of production volume was ensured thanks to signing long-term agreements with customers. The RF captured 23% of the world titanium market. Interaction with the Customs and FSTEC (Federal Service for Technical and Export Control) was organized. The company program of export control was created and accredited.


 *since 2011 – Ural Federal University named after B.N. Yeltsin (UrFU, UGTU-UPI),Yekaterinburg

Director for Quality, Reliability and Certification                                                                1992-2000

Product quality assurance, its certification for conformity to state, national and company standards

 Achievements: the company QMS was created and certified at the international level; about 230 certificates for QMS, single types of products, methods of their manufacture and control were obtained from certifying bodies of practically all the aerospace companies. A prize of the Government of the RF was awarded in 1999 for development in the field of quality.

Deputy General Director for Production and Sales                                                                 1989-1992

Organization of production cycle and control over the fulfillment of plans for the manufacture of redistribution products; dispatching of production, organization of product shipment, control over the arrival of payments for products Achievements:

In 1989 108,700 tons of ingots were melted from titanium alloys.

In the rest of the world only six countries produced titanium in a full cycle. All in all, they melted about 70,000 tons, that is, 1.5 times less.

Chief technologist, deputy chief engineer for technology                                                      1980-1988

Management of the development of technology for the manufacture of semi-finished metal products from titanium and aluminum alloys; organization of consumer goods production; development of tool production at the company Achievements: creation, development and mastering of the technology for the manufacture of high-quality semi-finished products (disk, blade blanks and rod blade blanks) from titanium alloys for aviation engines

Design engineer, chief process engineer for machining                                                         1961-1980

Head of the machining office, head of the machining department

Development of the technology for machining semi-finished metal products from titanium alloys, creation of special equipment and cutting tools for these purposes Achievements: mastering the technology of the centerless turning of rods with an 8-10-time increase in labor productivity, raising the output by 12-15%, creation of a closed metallurgical cycle for the manufacture of semi-finished  products from titanium alloys for aircraft-engine building (disk blanks and blade blanks) with pre-machining and non-destructive kinds of control; improvement of tool production technology


Urals Heavy Machine Building Plant named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze (Uralmash)

Research technician of the cutting tools laboratory of the chief technologist department


Development, research into and introduction of new types of cutting tools (cutters) on lathes, planing and boring machines Achievements: participation in mastering titanium-tantalum hard metals and cutters with wedge inserts



Scientific interests

  • Materials science;
  • Technology of the manufacture of responsible purpose metal products;
  • Metal powder production;
  • Additive technologies;
  • Product quality management;
  • Certification of QMS, products and processes

Design work and business communications

  • Management of international projects;
  • Management of marketing activity;
  • Preparation of titanium market surveys;
  • Participation in international conferences and seminars;
  • Knowledge of the culture and special aspects of holding international negotiations

Foreign languages

  • German (fluent)
  • English (basic level)



Membership in professional and scientific societies: Chairman (1998-2008), member of the Board of Directors (from 2008 up till now) International Titanium Association (ITA) Closed JSC since 1992, American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) since 1995;

Expert abstracting of scientific articles: member of the editorial board of the “Titan” journal;

Intellectual property; 82 scientific and scientific technical publications, including three monographs; author of 14 copyright certificates in the USSR for inventions



Winner of the Prize of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for work in the field of metallurgical production (1982)

MedalLabor Veteran” (1986)